
Why is this interesting?: Daily newsletter for the intellectually omnivorous. by Noah Brier and colin nagy | 1776 CE

The Insurrection of Intellect

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In the year of our revolution, 1776, as the smoke of fired muskets settled and a new nation strained its eyes on the horizon of liberty, so now do we rally to the banner of thought, of curiosity unbound - an insurrection of intellect. This is the clarion call of "Why is this interesting?", the standard bearer of voracious minds in pursuit of the daily unknown, the daily profound, the daily incendiary. Conceived in the fervor of 2019 by the digitally insurgent Noah Brier & Colin Nagy, this is no tepid transmission of trite tidbits. This is the gauntlet thrown down against the metastasizing monotony of modern media. From Osaka's electric hum to the quiet despair of an artist's struggle, we chart courses through the heart of stories untold, through the sinews of the complex, through the marrow of the extraordinary. We are the insurgents of the everyday, the guerilla warriors against the banal. Thirty thousand strong stand with us, an underground network of the insatiably inquisitive, armed with open minds like flintlocks poised to ignite the powder kegs of convention at a mere brush of their sparks. Join us on this quest not just to question, but to raze to the ground the temples of the accepted narrative. We set our sights beyond the periphery of the permissible, slingshots loaded with the stones of sagacity aiming to topple the Goliaths of mediocrity that loom vast and vacuous before us. "Why is this interesting?" is not merely a query; it is a warcry, punctuated with the relentless rhythm of the pounding press, churning out our epistles of enlightenment with the regularity of a heartbeat. With each dispatch, we construct our own Declaration of Intellectual Independence, holding these truths to be self-evident: that all thoughts are not created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Depth, Novelty, and the pursuit of the Sublime. Prepare to traverse the globe through the looking glass of wonder, to plumb the depths of the past, leap through the present, and tear into the fabric of the future. Strap in for the scorching sermons of subversion, subscribe for the unshackling of your status quo, stand with Noah Brier & Colin Nagy. This is "Why is this interesting?" - where the voracious converge, where curiosity reigns supreme, where every dawn brings a fresh feast of the eclectic, electric, and the eccentric. This is your daily revolution in thinking; this is your manifesto of the mind. Dare to delve daily. Dare to be a disciple of the disparate. Dare to ask with us, relentlessly, fervently, unabashedly: Why, indeed, is this interesting?

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November 14, 2023

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